The Olive Grove

Kiparissonas Olive Grove

Koroneiki & Arbequina olive trees

Greek mountain extra virgin olive oil

The BEST in the world ..... for those in the know

As of 2024 we have about 300 Koroneiki trees and about 400 Arbequina trees.
Average annual production and market prices vary quite substantially 

In a normal year we produce enough top quality to last for 2 years

Exra Virgin Olive Oil

The key to making high-quality extra virgin olive oil begins in knowing the right moment to harvest olives. 

The ripeness of the olives at the time of harvest ultimately determines how the olive oil will taste. Greener olives generally have an intense grassy flavor and less oil. More mature, purple olives will have a milder buttery flavor and produce more oil that tends to be golden in color. 

Once the olives are at the desired ripeness, it’s crucial to harvest as quickly as possible to ensure the quality of the olive oil is as consistent as possible. Most producers are racing to get the perfect balance of maturity of their fruit before the first frost of the year, after which the olives might not pass the sensory and chemistry tests necessary in making extra virgin olive oil. 

It’s important to remember that great tasting extra virgin olive oil starts with high quality, well-grown olives. If olives are allowed to over-ripen becoming too mature, they will be less likely to pass the strict extra virgin olive oil quality tests. 

There are two main ways to harvest olives for olive oil, hand harvest and machine harvest. There are producers who make excellent extra virgin olive oil using each of these harvesting methods. No harvesting method is better than the other; the quality of the olive oil is ultimately determined by how the process is executed

Hand Harvest

Hand harvesting olives is the most traditional and common methods of picking olives. This harvesting method is done by hand, with rakes, and vibrating rakes that shake the fruit into nets either suspended above the ground or laid down on the ground. 
This method makes sense for a lot of small farms or farms located on mountainsides. Their trees generally are taller and more spread out, making hand harvesting their only option. Harvesting by hand can be labor intensive and expensive. For California olive growers, harvesting costs are their largest expense each year, forcing them to charge a high price for their olive oil.


The basic procedure for making olive oil has remained the same for thousands of years: harvest the olives at the right time, crush them into paste, separate the solids from the liquid, and further separate the water from the oil. 
The method of extraction has a distinct effect on the flavor and ultimate quality of the olive oil. The mechanical process has undergone numerous changes and refinements that have increased both productivity and quality.


“Extra virgin olive oil is essentially the naturally extracted juice from fresh olives. 
The olives are crushed into a paste, and the oil is physically extracted from this paste without the use of chemicals or excessive heat"
Typically extra virgin olive oil has an acidity value of  less than 0.5%.


First cold press is not a grade of olive oil, but a descriptor for how an extra virgin olive oil is made. In fact, in order to be extra virgin, the oil is required to have been not subject to any heat or abuse during processing. Otherwise, it can’t qualify as extra virgin olive oil 


Virgin olive oil is produced using the same method as extra virgin olive oil, but does not meet the strict chemical and sensory standards. Typically virgin olive oil has an acidity value of less than 2% as compared to an extra virgin olive oil of less than 0.5%.


Oils labeled as "Pure olive oil" or "Olive oil" are usually a blend of refined olive oil and virgin olive oil.


Created using the byproduct of the milling process, pomace oil is created by mixing solvents into the olive pulp. 
Heat is then used to extract additional oil from the pulp. Pomace oil could technically be called second press, since it is extracted from the pulp that remains after the first press.


Olive oils that do not meet virgin standards undergo additional processing to remove any chemical or sensory flaws that would otherwise make the oil unfit for sale. 
High temperatures or chemicals are used in the process, and the oil is made odourless, colourless, and tasteless. 
Refined oils typically are blended with a small portion of extra virgin olive oil to provide some flavour, aroma and colour.


Light is a marketing term that can be confusing for many of us. Light olive oil is made from refined olive oil stripped of odour, colour, and taste, claiming to be "light in flavour." Don't be fooled into thinking this oil contains fewer calories or less fat. It doesn't.


Fats are one of three macronutrients essential to human life and make up a large part of our bodies. Without fats, we wouldn’t be able to absorb vitamins A, D, E or K. But not all fats are created equal. 

Healthy fats, such as extra virgin olive oil, can help you fight stress, improve mood swings, decrease mental fatigue and can actually help you manage your weight. While fat in general gets a bad reputation, not all fats are bad, (in fact they are good), you just have to make the right choices! Harvard School of Public Health recommends some healthy fat intake; as a rule of thumb, out with the bad, in with the good.

Olive Oil Is Rich in Healthy Monounsaturated Fats. ... But the predominant fatty acid in olive oil is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, making up 73% of the total oil content. Studies suggest that oleic acid reduces inflammation and may even have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer (2, 3, 4, 5).Sep 14, 2018

11 Proven Benefits of Olive Oil - Healthline

According to the FDA, 2 tablespoons of olive oil a day may reduce the risk of heart disease because of its monosaturated fat content. Along with this heart-healthy fat, extra virgin olive also contains polyphenols which act as antioxidants, reducing the oxidative stress throughout your body. A small amount of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are also present in extra virgin olive oil, which are essential for brain health. Many other benefits are associated with the consumption of extra virgin olive oil. Cooking with extra virgin olive oil is an easy way to add the health benefits of a heart-healthy oil and add flavour to your dish, whether you’re using extra virgin olive oil for salad dressing, or sautéing.

Source and more details :

" Koroneiki " oil

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